On this episode of Healthytarian Living, host Evita Ochel shares a quick and simple recipe for making chocolate pudding based on avocados.

The video episode includes:

  • nutrition information (specific and general) about the ingredients and final product
  • preparation, tools and ingredient tips
  • preparation demo

Characteristics of this recipe:

  • whole food
  • 100% plant based (vegan)
  • “raw”
  • wheat-free and gluten-free
  • flour-free
  • cholesterol-free
  • naturally low in sodium
  • peanut-free
  • dairy-free
  • corn-free
  • refined/isolated sugar-free
  • mostly or all organic
  • high in fiber
  • high in antioxidants
  • high in phytonutrients
  • high in vitamins
  • high in minerals
  • source of healthy fats (including omega-3)
  • source of healthy protein
  • source of healthy carbohydrates
  • nutrient dense
  • energy rich
  • beneficial for overall good health, healing and prevention

Goodies Needed

Tools Needed

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