The Healthytarian lifestyle is based on mindful, intentional, sustainable, and heart-centered living, along with wholesome, plant-based nutrition that emphasizes organic, local, seasonal, and raw foods, and holistic health practices for optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and wellbeing.
A healthytarian recognizes the potential of the mind, generated thoughts and emotions, as the most powerful tools we have for creating our health and reality. A healthytarian aims to nourish their mind with the most positive, enriching and valuable mind stimuli and experiences.
A healthytarian recognizes that next to the workings of their mind, proper nutrition is an essential tool to support and maintain optimal physical, mental and emotional health, and prevent disease. A healthytarian aims to nourish their body with the best foods, habits and activities.
A healthytarian recognizes the value of conscious and mindful living when it comes to the thoughts, words and actions they choose daily. A healthytarian aims to nourish their spirit through regular consciousness expanding, presence and stillness promoting practices.